Retreats Resources Texas Roadshow Bonus: update your headshot!

Did you know? Retreats Resources offers complimentary headshots at their Roadshows, thanks to photographer Kelli Price. Below are some tips to come prepared for to make the most out of this experience. Kelli will be looking to make you smile, Texas!

Here are a few tips to help get you come prepared:

Put your best face forward. Clothes, hair, makeup: They all matter. General rule of thumb? Wear what you feel and look great in (ummm, these days we probably have to add this does not include sweatpants, pajamas or leggings). Avoid white, loud colors and busy patterns, and maybe your new Covid-athleisurewear wardrobe, dig deep into that closet, we know you have something in there; you want the focus to be on your face. Ladies may want to up your makeup routine a bit, especially the eyes and lips, but a natural look is best. But, also, very important, try not to look like you have been home riding out a Pandemic for the past two years!

Trust the process (and your photographer). While no one is 100% relaxed during a photo shoot, trusting your photographer sure helps. Try to have a little fun (you will with Kelli!). For women, lean forward, lean on something, angle your head for a better jaw line. For the men, lean forward, hand in pocket. Your photographer will help you find the right angle for you. Then exhale….and smile.

Kelli’s Five Ways to make your Headshot Standout from the Crowd

1. Color – the first thing that comes to mind is color! Color POPS!
2. Style – Look professional but with a little extra va-voom. Don’t be afraid to show off your personality
3. Confidence – You are leader, a Boss Babe, CEO, fresh college graduate….whatever you call yourself, make sure you show it with confidence
4. Genuine smiles – Unless you are a rockstar, I promise you most people are a little uncomfortable in front of the camera. Pick a photographer that you are comfortable with and drink a glass of wine during the session if you need to. They make pretty props anyways!
5. Sunglasses – See #2

Big Texas smile, y’all!