We are pleased to be offering complimentary headshots at our Manhattan Showcase this Friday, February, 17th, at the Ritz-Carlton, New York, NoMad, thanks to photographer Kelli Price.
Here are a few tips to help you come prepared to exude fabulous:
Know the “why.” Why do you need a headshot? Who is your audience? What do you want your photo to say?
Headshot or branding shots? Know the difference. Whereas the goal of a headshot session is one fabulous shot (maybe two), a branding session typically results in a collection of images in a variety of environments. For example, a chef might be shown for making magic in the kitchen, but also in jeans and T-shirt, strolling the farmers market seeking out his bounty. If you are a hotelier maybe that is a money shot within the hotel or resort you represent but also participating in an activity that is fitting of the lifestyle of your destination. If you are a meeting or event professional, maybe it’s an exciting venue or event set up with additional shots of the behind the scenes or day to day operations or how you spend your (limited) down time. If you’ve got your own business and/or website, a personal branding session may be the way to go.

Put your best face forward. Clothes, hair, makeup: They all matter. General rule of thumb? Wear what you feel and look great in. Avoid white, loud colors and busy patterns; you want the focus to be on your face. Ladies may want to bump up your makeup routine a bit, especially the eyes and lips, but a natural look is best.

Trust the process (and your photographer). While no one is 100% relaxed during a photo shoot, trusting your photographer sure helps. Try to have a little fun (you will with Kelli!). For women, lean forward, lean on something, angle your head for a better jaw line. For the men, lean forward, hand in pocket. Your photographer will help you find the right angle for you. Then exhale….and smile.

Kelli’s Five Ways to make your Headshot Standout from the Crowd
- Color – the first thing that comes to mind is color! Color POPS!
- Style – Look professional but with a little extra va-voom. Don’t be afraid to show off your personality
- Confidence – You are leader, a Boss Babe, CEO, fresh college graduate….whatever you call yourself, make sure you show it with confidence
- Genuine smiles – Unless you are a rockstar, I promise you most people are a little uncomfortable in front of the camera. Pick a photographer that you are comfortable with and drink a glass of wine during the session if you need to. They make pretty props anyways!
- Sunglasses – See #2

If you are not registered already, what are you waiting for? To register (its free for event professionals!) go to our website at www.retreatsresources.com