Please complete the form below to create your Hotelier Profile. After doing this, your details will be stored in our database for future reference..

Hotelier Registration

Company Information

This website will be displayed in your profile information.
Upload Hotel/Resort Logo | (High-res vector file: PNG, TIF, PDF)

Maximum file size: 1MB

Contact Information

Enter Email
Confirm Email

Your Profile

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Upload Headshot/Profile Image | Min. 300 Pixels Wide *

Maximum file size: 1MB

Hotelier Profile



Please describe the guest capacity of your hotel or resort:
Please describe meeting spaces:

Property Attributes (choose all that apply)
Sales Territory (Check All That Apply)
Upload Feature Photo of Property (High-res vector file: PNG, JPG, TIF, PDF) If you do not have signage with us already, this will be the photo we use for your table signage. Please choose a signature photo that captures the beauty of your destination. This will also be the photo we use on our website and promotion of our event.

Maximum file size: 1MB

Add Additional Property Photos

Maximum file size: 1MB

Maximum file size: 1MB

Help us get to know you a little better! Please answer these fun questions: